Broadcast Limitations
These limitations apply when using cast
to broadcast transactions.
No Batch Support
Batching is currently not supported on ZKsync networks, so any batched transactions may not be executed in order. This can often lead to failures, as in the following case:
contract Calculator {
function add(uint8 a, uint8 b) return (uint8) {
return a+b;
contract FooScript is Script {
function run() public {
Calculator calc = new Calculator(); // tx1
uint8 sum = calc.add(1, 2); // tx2
vm.assertEqual(3, sum);
forge script script/FooTest.s.sol:FooScript ... --zksync --rpc-url --broadcast
Here the recorded transactions tx1
and tx2
would be batched as a single transaction with appropriate nonces. However, upon broadcasting to a ZKsync network, tx2
may be executed before tx1
, which would cause a revert.
To circumvent this, the --slow
flag may be used to sequentially send the transactions to the RPC endpoint, which keeps them in order.
forge script script/FooTest.s.sol:FooScript ... --zksync --rpc-url --broadcast --slow